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Proof for Investors

How to automate impact reporting so you can raise capital from LPs, better manage your portfolio and stay ESG compliant.

Step 1 of 2: Watch the live demo of the Proof platform and learn how you can break the cycle of painful ESG reporting, and use impact intelligence to outperform in your portfolio.

Step 2 of 2: If you enjoy the video and have further questions on how to easily set up an all-in-one software solution that makes sustainability as easy as plug and play, you can use the link below to schedule a sustainability strategy session.
Conduct impact due diligence with the same precision as financial analysis
Track & benchmark multi-asset impact performance post-investment
Link concrete outcomes to each invested dollar for powerful attribution
Showcase your authentic impact story through data-rich stakeholder reporting
Use cases
Automate Quarterly LP Reports
Strategic communications in your Annual Impact Reports
Easy data collection without burdening portfolio companies
Accomplish SFDR Compliance
Easily service adhoc ESG Investor Requests

Ignite your impact today -
schedule a sustainability strategy session now!

The PROOF Impact Protocol 2.0™ is a comprehensive methodology that integrates seamlessly with your existing investment processes. It enables you to:
Identify and quantify the impact potential of investment opportunities during due diligence
Monitor and benchmark the impact performance of your investments across multiple asset classes
Attribute specific impact outcomes to each dollar invested for a clear ROI
Communicate your impact story effectively to stakeholders through robust data and reporting