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Human-centric • Data-driven

Doing good business

should be a lot less work

Proof makes it easy to understand how improving sustainability can improve your business. ESG reporting aligned with business objectives.

LEVEL IBaseline

Analyze your impact against your peers

Take a short survey and access private company sustainability benchmarks in real-time. See how you measure up over time.

LEVEL IIInsights

Make intelligent impact decisions

Recommendations to drive impact and financial outperformance. Visualized on a single platform for you and your team.

LEVEL IIIOutcomes™

Follow a proven path to achieving your goals

Your personalized roadmap to achieve purpose-driven results, complete with all the guidance and materials you need.

For impact that grows with your business

Our subscriptions align with our platform tiers to ensure that youʼve got the right level of tools at the right point in your sustainability journey.

Recommended for:
Getting started


Get a pulse on sustainability in the market by exploring global benchmarks

Recommended for:
Taking the next step


Set your impact baseline and compare yourself to peers and sector

Recommended for:
Diving deeper


Make intelligent decisions at scale with recommendations and visualizations

Recommended for:


Your personalized roadmap to achieving your impact and financial goals

Take it beyond the platform

When you sign up for Proof, you gain access to a suite of additional tools, forums, experts and resources to help you translate from insight into action.

Proof Sustainability Community

Join a community of peers, specialists and guest experts. Includes access to forums, peer chat, exclusive virtual events, proprietary insights, dedicated industry working groups, a library of resources, and more.

Proof Office Hours

Talk to our team of experts through a series of live events to discuss cutting-edge topics in social and environmental sustainability. Expert presentations, Q&A, and specialized industry deep dives.

Proof Resource Hub

Highly curated content and educational resources for you to learn everything you need to know to be successful in your sustainability journey. Learn how to link impact with financial outcomes, impact data and measurement practices and their practical applications.


Continents covered
ESG + Impact data points processed
Impact assessments enabled

  Together we’re creating a world of good

Join changemakers across the globe who are #PoweredByProof.

““We have the opportunity to better understand this social impact and make an even bigger difference. Like everything, what gets measured is what gets done. This is why we’ve brought in [Proof] to help us collect, verify, and analyze our real-time impact data so all of us can have, at our fingertips, a greater sense of the difference we’re making in the world, and the tools we need to create an even bigger impact.””

Tom Dretler
CEO & Co-Founder @ Shorelight

““By the time we go public, I want us to be making bold commitments. These are our goals, this is how we’ve been tracking it, and this is our progress to date... [The Proof] platform and the work that Vestaron is already doing in that space, and the fact that [Proof has] a tool available for us, will allow us to be ahead of the game as we start moving down the path towards going public.””

Sarah Fox
VP of Sustainability @ Vestaron

““As we take on more customers, we will inevitably store more data in our data centers. This increased storage will naturally increase our electricity consumption; however, we hope to use the Proof dashboard to track increases and explore areas where we can reduce our emissions and consumption. The Proof dashboard is a valuable tool to make sure that as we grow as a company and take on more important data, we are doing so sustainably and responsibly.””

Alex Altman
Co-Founder & COO @ Seal

““One of the main struggles we see with our founders year to year is thinking about measuring and monitoring the impact they create through their enterprises. Working with Proof is helping to provide an easy way for them to measure their impact and share some of their metrics to their networks. It also helps to showcase the impact that the SOCAP Entrepreneur Program is supporting by selecting and providing this experience to these founders.””

Sarah Sterling
Executive Director of Entrepreneurship @ SOCAP Global

““[Proof] helps us understand how far we still are from achieving our goals, but they also encourage the company to reach them. POI has mentored us in many ways and helped us develop clear objectives through the implementation of the dashboard and its KPIs.””

Carlos Torres
Corporate VP @ QNT

““At AssetMetrix we believe in continuous innovation and are pleased to offer our clients additional value by integrating Proof’s data collection tool and ESG data expertise. The offering will increase efficiencies in data collection and validation whilst continuing to ensure the highest level of data quality, enhanced insights and reporting.””

Hanne Schnell
ESG Product Manager @ AssetMetrix

““At NTN Holdings, weʼre guided by a core principle: that one measures what one values, and that only what is measured can be scaled. This is why we prioritize impact and sustainability measurement and aim to lead by example. Our commitment to simple, streamlined, and benchmarkable impact metrics is key to the success of our impact- focused fund, enabling us to make better investment decisions and drive positive change throughout the whole of society.””

Karl Wagner
President @ NTN Holdings

““The proper quantification and monetization of impact-related market externalities — which might sound like a world salad to many people — is actually one of the most important things we can do to make the world a better place. It will foster improved capital allocation and drive innovation, and it starts with data.””

Ruben Walker
CEO @ African Clean Energy

““At Casper, we strive to champion transparency and fundamentally believe empowering humanity with sustainable solutions is the way to long-term prosperity. Partnering with [Proof] has helped us accomplish our ESG goals, while providing valuable insights into where the Casper Network can do better. The partnership has been an incredibly powerful experience.””

Matt Schaffnit
Chief Financial & Operating Officer @ Casper Association

How will you use Proof to catalyze your impact & business goals simultaneously?

It’s time to take a closer look at your ESG + impact data

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